Successful international virtual exchange partnerships require effective cross-cultural collaboration, but this can be tricky for even the most experienced educators! In this session, attendees will consider challenges to cross-cultural collaboration, explore patterns of cultural difference that can cause misunderstandings, and discuss strategies for successfully collaborating across cultures that are beneficial for instructors and students alike.
Building from the session on the previous day, this session will focus on taking a design thinking approach to identifying and operationalizing strategies for improving our signature programs given our new normal.
Links to the padlets that were created during this session are available in the slide download to the right.
This past year, four new BEEHIVE courses were piloted and/or launched. Each are at different stages development. In this session we will have breakout groups for three of the BEEHIVE Courses:
Global Business launched in Fall of 2019 and is offered each semester. We invite those who have been involved in the Global Business Courses and those who would like to be involved in these courses to discuss what has been working well and identify necessary changes to the Core.
This past year, four new BEEHIVE courses were piloted and/or launched. Each are at different stages development. In this session we will have breakout groups for three of the BEEHIVE Courses:
Global Education launched in Spring 2020 and will be offered each spring moving forward. We invite those who have been involved in Global Education and those who would like to be involved in this course to discuss what has been working well and identify necessary changes to the Core.
This past year, four new BEEHIVE courses were piloted and/or launched. Each are at different stages development. In this session we will have breakout groups for three of the BEEHIVE Courses:
Global Environment successfully piloted this past Fall and will be open to a limited number of additional partners this coming Fall. Join the development team to learn more about the course.